Smalland Building Guide


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Smalland Building Guide

Last Update: March 29, 2023 8:20 AM By:Isaac Todd As you'd expect from a survival game, Smalland has its own building system that lets you construct bases in a number of ways. However, you'll be

Last Update: March 29, 2023 8:20 AM

By:Isaac Todd

As you'd expect from a survival game, Smalland has its own building system that lets you construct bases in a number of ways. However, you'll be limited to only a few building options to start with. Follow our Smalland Building Guide to learn more about the building system, and how to unlock everything for it.

Quicklinks: How Building Works | How to Unlock More Building PiecesBuilding Pieces List

Before you can start building, you must first craft a Builder's Hammer. This will unlock once you find both fiber (initially found by gathering from small plants) and wood (taken from small piles of twigs on the floor). 2 Fiber and 5 Wood is needed to craft the Builder's Hammer from your inventory, via the Crafting tab. Once made, just add it to your hotbar, equip, and you're set. Using the Builder's Hammer doesn't use up durability, so the only reason you'd need to make another hammer is if you lose the first one.

With the Builder's Hammer out, pressing right click gives you all of the options for building pieces you have so far. Buildings are put into 4 categories:

You also have the option to repair buildings with R (this uses no materials), or dismantle them with C. Dismantling will return all of the materials used, making it a good option for removing misplaced buildings or when you need to relocate.

By pressing T while building, you can access 2 options for building. The magnet icon simple has the game try to line up building pieces neatly, and is generally best left on while building foundations, walls, and roofs.

The grid icon will cause your items to stick to an invisible grid. When set to 1, this isn't noticeable at all and items can be placed wherever you want. At the higher settings, 70, 140, the places you can build will become more restricted. 140 is useful when building walls, especially when combined with the magnet option. It lets you building tall walls from the ground, as the pieces will snap into place without much issue.

For interactive buildings, all you need to do is build a previous one you already have available for the first time. For example, the Stonecutter will be unlocked right after placing down a Workbench. Meanwhile, Foundations and Building pieces will unlock in large groups when you find the relevant material. Many higher tier building pieces still require regular materials like wood, so it's always worth keeping stocked up on everything.

Thanks for reading our Smalland Building Guide. Make sure to check out our other guides below!

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How Building WorksHow to Unlock More Building PiecesBuilding Pieces List