Indium Corporation eyes global future with roots firmly in Mohawk Valley


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Aug 03, 2023

Indium Corporation eyes global future with roots firmly in Mohawk Valley

CLINTON — Nearly a century ago, toiling tirelessly in the garage of his Utica family home, chemical engineer William S. Murray sought to uncover the physical and chemical properties of indium, a then

CLINTON — Nearly a century ago, toiling tirelessly in the garage of his Utica family home, chemical engineer William S. Murray sought to uncover the physical and chemical properties of indium, a then little-known malleable metallic element.

His persistence paid off, and the numerous practical applications he developed for the metal enabled him to establish the Indium Corporation in 1934.

Fast forward to 2023: With 15 facilities located worldwide, the Clinton-based company, with its global headquarters at 301 Woods Park Drive, is the leading innovator of the joining and bonding materials used in a wide-ranging field of products — medical, aerospace, telecommunications, computing, auto, and optoelectronic (light-using) devices, including semiconductors.

“Millions of people have our products in their hands every single day,” Corporate Associate Vice President Rick Short affirms assuredly. Case in point: The company’s robotically applied solder paste — a metal alloy that melts to create a permanent bond between two metals used to conduct electricity and heat — is employed in the manufacture of such everyday consumer goods as laptops, tablets, mobile phones and their cellular infrastructure equipment, while the material’s widespread use in sophisticated industrial applications ensures its impact on both individual and industrial consumers alike.

Notably, Indium Corporation remained fully operational during the COVID-19 pandemic; also, in 2019, the company’s facilities earned the industry’s prestigious International Organization for Standardization/International Automotive Task Force (IOS/IATF 16949) management system certification, reaffirming that Indium’s materials are produced with the highest quality to guarantee the reliability of its customers’ finished goods. Explains Short, “We cast our own alloys, which enables us to closely control the process from the very first step to ensure the purity of the product.”

Reviewing the company’s robust performance in 2022, the vice president notes, “Last year was a very strong one financially for our company. We expanded our customer base and market share, introduced new products, achieved growth in every one of our 15 main centers, as well as opened new facilities.”

Indium’s newest center is located in Germany, and Milton Keynes, a city northwest of London, England, serves as the company’s European headquarters. In addition, with six U.S. factories in operation, along with facilities in India, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, and China, Short anticipates that the company’s global expansion will translate into a significant workforce increase, both locally and worldwide, for its more than 1,350 employees. Currently, the company employs approximately 900 workers in Oneida County.

Indium Corporation fulfills its ongoing commitment to environmental responsibility, which is vital to the sustainability of its business — its products, brand, and viability in the community — by carefully following guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to develop and implement safeguards. The company also works closely with the not-for-profit Manufacturer’s Association of Central New York (MACNY) advocacy organization, of which it is a member. Observes Short, “We think holistically and are proactive in protecting the health and safety of our employees and their families.”

In addition, the business is dedicated to reducing its environmental footprint by cooperating with other manufacturers of electronic equipment to reduce carbon emissions, along with its ongoing efforts to improve its internal design, air quality, and recycling capabilities in its own facilities. In turn, it enables customers to reach their goals of protecting the environment.

Looking toward the future, Indium Corporation stands ready to meet the constantly changing needs in the technology sector and in the environment. “We are keenly attuned to the dynamic trends in the global electronic manufacturing markets. To help us remain competitive, our research and development department is 100% cutting-edge,” Short points out, adding, “In an age when companies are viewed merely as investments, our family-owned business is dedicated to playing a meaningful role in the advances made in applied materials science, but also doing so in a safe, responsible, environment-friendly manner. We believe that materials science changes the world.”

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